Saturday, September 20, 2014
Will go clean to grave - I
Friday, April 6, 2012
भावनाओं को समझो |||
कुछ काले बादल छायें हैं,
किस्मत से, इस काली रात में |
कुछ थम्की थम्की आंधी है,
किस्मत से, इस काली रात में |
औज्हल औज्हल चंदा है,
किस्मत से, इस काली रात में ||
तेरी बिखरी बिखरी जुल्फों ने,
दिल थाम रखा है सिन्ने में |
तेरी काली काली आँखों ने ,
बाँध रखा है उल्जहन में |
तेरी प्यारी प्यारी मुस्कान ने ,
बेचैनी बनी है तन मन में |
दुबे दुबे से रहते हैं ,
किस्मत से, इस काली रात में ||
Saturday, September 10, 2011

I had been to India recently and there I found some curious questions that acted like an instigator to pen this whole bunch of incidents. But to be true to words this has been the lava trying to erupt from long back. The red hot deposit inside of the volcano has been sulking drip by drip before its eruption. It is just the warning for the inmates to run and save your repute.
My friend out of humor quoted:
“Tujhe job mili to recession aa gaya,
Tune US ka ticket katwaya to earthquake aa gaya,
Tu India se udda so saath Irene le aaya..”
Though it was a joke but I loved the coincident. When I went to India, I encountered one question as if it’s like they are asking my name “Will you settle in USA?”. I smiled, often giggled, sometimes grinned, many a time chuckled and quite a few times smiled back whimsically with the naivety and lack of gravity they possess. It’s not their fault but the image which This nation has portrayed to the world. It is a fundamental question that everyone of us coming down to USA should ask self; “why are they welcoming me with open arms?“. It’s not the Big-Brother attitude, not the world relations then what is that making us lucrative to US. They allow us not because they have interest in our dreams but because they are dreaming through our dreams. I quoted before someone the reason why US is garlanding us with flowers is “We give them our parents hard earned money, population and efficient labor”. I will highlight the points as I proceed through.
People may joke about the issues but it is very true, when an American company visits to a Career Fair, they do have tag only US citizens but have you seen the Indian firms like TCS, Infosys etc coming to campus and saying only Indian citizens. Some would argue it’s their nation so they should get fair deal, I would agree but why are they sucking on our hard earned money for not providing any benefit. The fees we pay are around 9 - 10 times more than what they pay. So they sell our dreams for naught in return.
People think once in US you will get hundreds of jobs knocking at doorstep, but truth is if a student tries to go out of US during his OPT (Optional Practical Training), he is not allowed to return. The reason is that he has paid the College fees and completed the course so why would they allow a potential job-taker into the territory.
People say we try to lure an American to obtain a Green Card, but reality is they want it bad, imagine they are already lying low with population and efficient labor, so if they are getting a whole family of cheap labor just for a card how bad can that be? Indians are loyal like dogs to spouse so trap an Indian produce; mark the words not reproduce but produce some children and find a new one to let the new generation of efficient labor keep coming.
People have dreams to do masters and PhD here, but luckily I have just dreamt to come to USA. They have dreamt of jobs, yes the dream jobs which they dreamt of every night and day but ultimately to see tags “Outside students not allowed”. Wouldn’t it be disgusting for a LITERATE DOG to see “Dogs are not allowed” sign in front of a house. They say, we get job security in India. Biggies like TCS and Infosys don’t fire people that easily. The reason is a treason that needs to be mentioned. It’s not the India but the US that needs tech coolies to work for them. Every single engineer working over there at 30000 per month saves 4000USD for the US government. Just once if nations like India and China stop supporting US they would come on knees to beg for the same. I am not blaming the population of India for it but the ignorance of the nation to know their value in the world market. So it’s always the same we and China are the cheap suppliers of labor and that too quite efficient one.
I would be giving some more gruesome events that really hurts and will hurt you guys as you are an Indian like me. I met a fellow christened Saurav Bansal in the airport. He is a student like me travelling to Canada for his MBA. He cited certain harassing incidents for every Indian reading this article and not getting a spasm. He told about an American who was getting down at Mumbai airport in lieu of some business and quoted “I came to F**k India” in front of the Indian Airport Authority people at the airport. They didn’t move a muscle after hearing this. If same words would have been uttered before an American cop about his nation he would have smacked your face. It was unbelievable and intolerable. They come to our nation for business without a hitch but we have to go through hiccups even to gain a position we deserve.
People consider USA as a dream land, but the reality is something else. I went to my friend’s place yesterday and saw two cell phones are lying; one is Nokia E-series (costing around 30000INR) and the other one Nokia 2600 (costing around 3000INR) or something. I asked his roommate has X become rich; he laughingly quoted “No the cheaper one is for his night shift of job so that he doesn’t lose the costlier one if mugged”. I was amazed after the money laundering through charges they are even unflinchingly looting us. Curious isn’t it to see we even leave houses in trauma in the night. I still remember the day I was walking with a gang of guys one of them quoted “Aao aaj saalon dekhte hain kitna dumm hai”. This is not the bravery but the strength that’s momentary due to numbers.
About social life I should quote hardly Americans know who their neighbors are. If they know it’s only due to common functions, children in same school or class or may be due to common gym times, etc. What will they do, they are so self-centered that hardly find time to know about others. They are just machines who work from day to night and party on weekends. Indians think American are so socialized creatures but to be true they are not even social creatures.
Let the Americans scratch their brains in front of the student lot. I did shy them a time or two. I am not smart but same as every guy from India. I quoted “Not a single sincere guy from India would fall flat before the course curriculum of USA”. This is not boasting but the proud of having Indian education. Some asked “what’s the difference in our and their education” I dictated “It is the pressure they apply, they teach how to run the vehicle and we learn what a vehicle is”. There were some articles we are trying to adapt to their education standards, but the step would be a disaster as we need improvisation and not conversion.
Money is something available in plenty in USA so all try to gather with both hands. But here hands of outsiders are tied, someone tied one hand, someone both and some are even tied from legs. “Why so?” is not the question but “Why only we” is the question. The answer is we are achievers and real gainers, if the US Government doesn’t stop us we would take away every bit of their fame which they have earned due to us. Find any and every field we are there and no complaints from manager about us. It’s not me but us, and is due to the education where students attend classes 9 hours a day.
I am writing this stuff because of something lovely I did and felt proud of self. It was on Thursday evening when I was standing in a line for train ticket at Penn station. One black American was in front of me, may be 6’4”. As soon as a counter empties they call for the next person in line. When the counter was empty I asked the fellow to move to the place with a gesture of left hand palm upwards pointing to the counter. I don’t know how that was offending to that fellow. He asked “Calm down cowboy”. I chortled and said “I was just …”. He spoke again “They should teach calming down in schools first”. I giggled and said “BehenCh** sorry hai” and that on the speaker attached to the desk of the person at the counter. I didn’t do a daring thing, what I did was just repaying the angle he was hinting at. So be proud of where you are from and what you are rather than shadowing the originality with banality.
Friday, February 11, 2011
My first DONUT ...

"America runs on Dunkin"
This fateful day my saviour was not there so I had to stand there gazing at curious creatures and shabby shops. Luckily my eyes fall on the empty counter of DD- Dunkin Donut. I saw the trays with baked donuts and some tags and an empty counter with absolutely no staffs around. I saw people ambulating from ticket counter to Dunkin counter and then again to ticket counter from Dunkin. Some are just idling there and just waiting for something to happen. It hardly counts whether that is good or bad, all they want is that something to happen. I feel they are more dangerous than the potential terrorists as they kill time, money and even brains. I was looking here and there and was in a state of dilemma whether to wait for the saviour. I was tired from the class but the curiosity to learn faces never makes me tire. So I rolled my eyes from one corner to the other. And then I saw the one in a million face that is of my saviour. He instantly realized me and asked "May I help you?" I was happy to see him and asked my old worn out question "Is that train going to Metropark?"He chuckled and replied "Yes the 9:25 pm train makes a stop at Metropark". So my fate was decided. I smiled back at him and said " Thank you sire!". I again had the glimpse of that digital clock and I still have 12 more minutes to go.
I turned to move out of the hall structure towards my destiny track 4. Suddenly I felt I need to do it at least once to have a start up. I turn around to see the deserted counter again. I took little steps eyeing the boards with the DD products. I reached the counter with utter surprise. My anxiety and anguish grew with each passing second. I was searching for heads spinning my head from corner to corner and unable to find a single live soul at the counter. I saw a hoarding with "6 for 4$----a nice lovely picture of 6 heart shaped donuts". I know I would have to to go for this sweet and profitable deal. I saw the empty racks around, the bulky card reader and some fluffy baked donuts. I saw the DD coffee board over the counter. I again searched for a soul then started backing out after spending one full minute at the counter. So 11 more minutes for my fate which was displayed on the board.
I heard a sweet voice from the back, " May I help you?". I put my vehicle on a reverse gear and took a U-turn to saw a sweet and candid lady at the counter. She was Indian as I could conclude from the face and attire and around 27-28 years. She looked at me and repeated "How can I help you?". I looked perplexed like a kid on a toy store. I blinked my eyes and replied with a smile "Six donuts". She again looked at this strange creature and her reply was obvious "Which one?". And forgive me for not having the courage to say "Hearts!!". She knew my traumatic situation and said "Chocolate flavour?". I chortled and nodded in an innocent fashion. She gave the 3 from the chocolate coated donuts. She was sweet and again turned towards me with one more smile and said "Do you want some of them?" showing to the baked full chocolate donuts. I have nothing to say and hence grinned a little and spoke "Whatever you wish". She smiled back and loaded three of those nice full chocolate donuts on the large box already stuffed with chocolate coated donuts. I paid with my travel card and walked saying thanks to the lady as she bid farewell. I walked this time with a head held high as if I have won the battle of Waterloo. Hazed people gazed at the 6-packs donut box with the slogan "America runs on Dunkin".
Friday, January 14, 2011
Why are they different?

It has been long time since I posted something really for Indian students. I wanted my juniors to read it and comment on it. It is not that I am trying to show big-brother attitude or trying to mould you at this juncture of life where you are ought to be independent.
I have experienced both the worlds so I think my experience would value you guys in some way or the other. It is not new that we call our teachers true Hitler's or martinet. Even I dislike that and so as you. The turmoil you are facing now had been faced by me once upon a time. Indian teachers are tagged as the representative of highest extent for discipline and mannerism.
Our movies like “3 Idiots” also didn't fail to portray it, which is evident from scene when Aamir Khan was kicked out of class because of indecency in Machine's class. What happens is that Indian professors and teachers used to see us from an angle that's completely different to their Western counterparts.
I will go step by step and will highlight about both parties along the way.
Indian teachers are concerned about you and your future.
I know exceptions are there but I will talk about mass. Indian teachers feel that they are your career- guide. Every individual is a builder of his own destiny but if guided they would venture into the right path at right time. Let us try to elucidate and exemplify this a bit more. I remember the day when we were given the task of preparing seminars for final grading. As usual some were defaulters. It is not that they were failures but they tried their best to mug up as much as they could and represent it before a mass. They had stage fear, slow approach and little idea of the outcome. They came to our Manoranjan Panda sir seeking help. They elaborated their grievances and stood there like sheep going to be butchered. Luckily, I was there in sir's cabin when sir was approached by our defaulter list. Sir, very politely said that give your best and leave to me the rest. They went and gave okay sort of performance. They were not nervous but rather confident that an Indian teacher would never disappoint them and that happened too. They got grades which is more than they expected. It is not that the teacher has been duped but the confidence of a teacher on a student and vice versa. It is really sad to quote the precarious and disastrous condition here; where you get duped at each step because they are lazy to give justification to one's labor. They show you a colored image when you enter the theatre with their kaleidoscopic imagery but when you come to your senses you realize it to be just a black and white image. Here professors don't bother to play with your grades and just do according to their mindset at the time of grading.
Those whom I quoted above are now placed at good companies and now hold posts envying many in the field and it is just because they had Indian teacher who care about them and about their career like a father who can't see dreams of his sons shatter in anyway.
Affection towards a student
Who am I? Am I any special? I sometime do ask this question to me. I must say I am just like you and the man whom I respect and how much I don't know myself is going to be quoted here. I am short of words that I can use to enounce this man and his deeds. I was in deep trouble while getting my Official transcripts from BPUT office due to shortage of time. I got my I-20 from NJIT and needed these Official transcripts by all means. The normal processing would take 6-7 days and if I would have to wait that much time I would be losing 4 months of studies. I was in jittery and went to a teacher, who I feel can do wonders. He is none other than Biswajit sir. He didn't ask a single question and took all the documents from me. I was at the College completing my other formalities. At around 3pm I got a call from saying "Arey aasi jaa BPUT Office to kama hei gala"(come to BPUT office your job is done). I was ecstatic and went to the office straight away to get my documents which are almost like a passport to USA. I still remember that, after all these help he wished me all luck and said "Do well there".
But to be specific here professors don't have time for you because they have to go on vacations. The job I sought was very important to me and to my career but that has no importance to him. I had to see him to let him show my own exam paper which would have altered my grades a lot. But he said come to me after the vacation. I just laughed and laughed looking at his reply and thought just two lines.
We Indians have an adage from couplets of Saint Kabir.
" गुरु गोविन्द दोनों खड़े काके लागून पाँव,
बलिहारी गुरु आपने जों गोविन्द दियो बताएं ||"
This is what one should follow for these epitomes of sacrifice. I really owe lot to my teachers in shaping me to what I am now and where I am now. Thanking them from the core of my heart.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Kuch to baat hai!!!
Dear friends,
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I did it again!!!
This is something funny and interesting as it happened twice in my life and that too during same time period that is beginning of new life. Oh sorry for the disappointment but it was not that beach incident.It was 2nd August 2010 near Hess gas station at Harisson, New Jersey and I was starting the new life of Master's. I boarded a van from the college to my room at Julia Gardens apartment. I was sharing a three seater seat with three other people. We were four people in all, an American at left end and two ladies in the middle and myself at the right end of the seat. The ladies were Indian and our driver was an American.
I was near the van-door and was all silent. It was just near the gas station that one of the ladies moved from her seat as if she was in a hurry. I was the one to open the door as I was just besides the door so when I felt the vehicle was about to stop I opened the door. Unluckily the driver was in no mood to stop as the signal was green and with open door we moved some distance. This time also I jumped from the running van and it was similar sort of the one that had occurred 4 years back when I started my Engineering life. It was a deja vu of our very own Sarat Bhaina's (fondly called as John) bus's incident. He drives the bus as John Abraham was driving the Dhoom bike. The incident was exactly the same and due to the Green signal over traffic he also kept moving and I jumped from the running vehicle thinking it to be halting. That time though I got no bruises, I was bit scared but to be frank this time I felt awesome and a bit nostalgic... :P
So its almost the same situation whether I am staying at India or at America. Keep in touch and be in good health....