"America runs on Dunkin"
The famous line from much more famous Dunkin Donut. Though I have eaten the product many a times but as such no experience of buying on self. It was an odd experience on the the day. It was not a busy time at the Penn Station as it was 9pm and rush was minimal. I arrived from the Underground rail running from Grove street to Penn station. Usually I confirm from the information desk regarding the train timings each time I travel as some trains don't go via MetroPark. So to be on safer side I confirm it without fail.
This fateful day my saviour was not there so I had to stand there gazing at curious creatures and shabby shops. Luckily my eyes fall on the empty counter of DD- Dunkin Donut. I saw the trays with baked donuts and some tags and an empty counter with absolutely no staffs around. I saw people ambulating from ticket counter to Dunkin counter and then again to ticket counter from Dunkin. Some are just idling there and just waiting for something to happen. It hardly counts whether that is good or bad, all they want is that something to happen. I feel they are more dangerous than the potential terrorists as they kill time, money and even brains. I was looking here and there and was in a state of dilemma whether to wait for the saviour. I was tired from the class but the curiosity to learn faces never makes me tire. So I rolled my eyes from one corner to the other. And then I saw the one in a million face that is of my saviour. He instantly realized me and asked "May I help you?" I was happy to see him and asked my old worn out question "Is that train going to Metropark?"He chuckled and replied "Yes the 9:25 pm train makes a stop at Metropark". So my fate was decided. I smiled back at him and said " Thank you sire!". I again had the glimpse of that digital clock and I still have 12 more minutes to go.
I turned to move out of the hall structure towards my destiny track 4. Suddenly I felt I need to do it at least once to have a start up. I turn around to see the deserted counter again. I took little steps eyeing the boards with the DD products. I reached the counter with utter surprise. My anxiety and anguish grew with each passing second. I was searching for heads spinning my head from corner to corner and unable to find a single live soul at the counter. I saw a hoarding with "6 for 4$----a nice lovely picture of 6 heart shaped donuts". I know I would have to to go for this sweet and profitable deal. I saw the empty racks around, the bulky card reader and some fluffy baked donuts. I saw the DD coffee board over the counter. I again searched for a soul then started backing out after spending one full minute at the counter. So 11 more minutes for my fate which was displayed on the board.
I heard a sweet voice from the back, " May I help you?". I put my vehicle on a reverse gear and took a U-turn to saw a sweet and candid lady at the counter. She was Indian as I could conclude from the face and attire and around 27-28 years. She looked at me and repeated "How can I help you?". I looked perplexed like a kid on a toy store. I blinked my eyes and replied with a smile "Six donuts". She again looked at this strange creature and her reply was obvious "Which one?". And forgive me for not having the courage to say "Hearts!!". She knew my traumatic situation and said "Chocolate flavour?". I chortled and nodded in an innocent fashion. She gave the 3 from the chocolate coated donuts. She was sweet and again turned towards me with one more smile and said "Do you want some of them?" showing to the baked full chocolate donuts. I have nothing to say and hence grinned a little and spoke "Whatever you wish". She smiled back and loaded three of those nice full chocolate donuts on the large box already stuffed with chocolate coated donuts. I paid with my travel card and walked saying thanks to the lady as she bid farewell. I walked this time with a head held high as if I have won the battle of Waterloo. Hazed people gazed at the 6-packs donut box with the slogan "America runs on Dunkin".
Later I cherished them as if they were some fruits fallen out of heaven for the last man surviving this planet and it was not the taste of donut but the victory of a man venturing and thereafter conquering something unknown..... :)